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Camel Tour


Boy Writing on a Blackboard


Beginning to Advanced Arabic are taught in groups of 5 or less.

Teachers are Native Speakers from various  Arab States. Modern Arabic will be taught, but depending on the teacher, students may also get a taste of Colloquial Arabic. 

Arabic Book


Arabic Calligraphy is an expression of a beautiful art form.


To learn, you must purchase an Arabic calligraphy set, blank white papers, and black ink. You can find calligraphy sets linked HERE. For starters, you can find affordable pens linked HERE.  

Vintage Floor Tiles


Arabic Poetry is one of the earliest form of Arabic literature. 

This class is designed for advanced Arabic students. Familiarity is Classical Arabic is also require. We will be examining Arabic Poetry both in Arabic and in English translations.

We will read poems from both Pre-Islamic and Classical Poetry, then explore Modern Arabic Poetry. 

You can find books HERE and HERE.

Dates and Cups


Food brings people together, and Arabs are known for their hospitality. 

Maha, a refugee from Iraq will teach traditional Arabic food including falafel and kuppah. 

This hands on class is held at Maha's home in Beaverton, Oregon and is open for students interested in Arabic cuisine. Come, ready to eat!

We are currently in the process of adding Turkish, Persian, French, and Chewa.

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 C 2024 OLIVENBAUM is a 501(C)(3) Nonprofit organization

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